Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Child's Anxiety... She is not the only one...

This morning i spoke to a parent of a primary 2 student who is taking the same school bus together with my daughter.... This parent was telling me that his daughter has been crying and complaint of stomach pain during her Primary 1 period.. It was like on and off and on and off, for a year.. and was rated a cry baby by the school bus attendant... He have to take urgent leave many times when his child keeps on crying and getting stomach pain in school... Thus he was seeing the mirror of his daughter from my daughter's anxiety now..
He was telling me this is due to anxiety and it takes a long time for the child to get used to Primary school life.. Most of the children go through this and my daughter is not the only one... He told me to take things easy as this is a normal transition period for a child's life..
Sometimes it is good to chat with other parents and learn from their experience.. So we will know what to expect for our child.. But of course i will not resolved into comparing my daughter to other children, like academic wise etc (this is what normally auntie does).. This will put not only pressure for me but for my daughter also..

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