Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 China Tourist Missing in Taiwan

Hahaha.. as i was expected.. since the opening up of direct flight from China to Taiwan... already 3 Chinese women are missing in Taiwan.... Taiwan should be prepare for such immigration problems... There will be more china tourist that will go missing.. these tourist are just making used of such opportunites to work in Taiwan.. They will abondon the tour group when opportunity strike.. Most are being pre-arrange before hand and there will be someone to pick them up... In Mandarin we call it "Tiao Fei Ji" - Translate (Jump Aeroplane)

Same thing happen to Indonesian tourist to Korea few years ago.. A group of Indinesian book a tour package and when missing at Korea airport... The tour guide could not find the group execpt for one guy.. and the guy told the tour guide to ignore the missing rest...

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