Friday, June 13, 2008

Protest on Fuel Hike

Recently there news of countries that their govnerment is implimenting fuel price increase... And their people are staging mass protest and strikes for the fuel hike... Eg. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, France, Spain, Portugal.. etc.... Fishermen buring their boats, truck driver block roads, demonstration outside government buildings....

I do understand that people protest fuel hike because they have to pay for a higher fuel price and it increase their expenses... But on the other hand the govnerment can no longer subsidise the increase fuel price... Years ago the fuel cost and avergae of US$40 a barrel but no wit is at an average US$140 a barrel... How long can the government subsidise if the fuel price keep increasing? Many countries do not have a good public transport system and many of their citizen depend too much on their own vehicle for transportation (some really have no choice).... Unlike countries which have a good public transport infastructure... where their people could leave their cars aside and take the public transport...

This is like a "Chicken & Egg" problem...

What the govnerment could do is to cushion the impact of the fuel price, little by little... Encourage people to work from home or near their home.. Do energy saving campaigne... Increase and improve public transport system (might be a bit too late, but for the future it is advisable, Some countries are too big and it takes time)... Encourage car pooling... upgrade cars that use bio-fuel... Encourage people to cycle (good for health)...

Everyone must accept that the raising fuel price have change our life... and must adapt to life without fuel... Someday fuel will be used up and we will be living with an alternative source like solar power, neuclear power, micro power, fusion power, hydro power....

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