Saturday, April 26, 2008

3-in-1 Goreng Pisang

Well me now eat 3-in-1 Goreng Pisang. It was a new crispy snack from the Goreng Pisang stall near my office. It is something new to me but to my Malaysian colleagues this crispy bite is very common in Malaysia.

Inside the filling is a triple layers of Yam, Nien Gao (sticky CNY cake) and Swet Potatoes. The yam and sweet potatoes paste are so smooth, sandwich in between the yam and sweet potatoes is a soft and sweet nien gao. Outside is covered by a layer of golden brown crisp. crunchy on the outside and melts in the inside (when it hot).
Take a bite and you will see 3 nice contrast of colours: purple (yam), dark brown (nien gao) and yellow (sweet potatoes).

The stall owner is being very creative and he created something really new (to me). Now i realised that regardless of what you do, creativity makes you stand out. Most Singapore are very adventurous to try new things. Take for example, the bread papa, bread talk, donuts.. etc so much creativity has been put into a simple recipe to make a different.

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