On 28 Mar09, Earth Day.. everyone around the world switch off the light for 1 hrs to let our Mother Earth rest... Well Mother Earth deserves a good rest.. But 1 hour is not enough.. Mother Earth has been suffering 360 days a year.. and only manage to get an hour rest.. The advance of technology and industrial had made our Mother Earth suffer a lot.. Her Ozone layer has already got a hole.. and now facing a global warming..
Look at what we have done... Since human roam the earth.. They never gave earth a chance to rest, but further stress it and slowly destroying it..
In Singapore here.. many people participate Earth Day by also switching off the light s for 1 hour.. at 8.30pm.. then at the Esplanade. many people light up candle during that 1 hour of darkness.. but they forget that the carbon soot from the burning candle is bad for the earth... Haha.. Well done Singaporean for the wrong cause.. The power station around the world still working hard burning coal or oil during this 1 hour.. Looking at the big picture.. darkness fall during night time.. are we able to survive at night just like animals..? I don't think so.. after all humans are already getting used to lighting up in the night.. No matter how much we do ... We humans can only help reduce the damage..
Nice motivation,Thanks to the development of advance technology and industrial,our mother earth is continuely extra exploiting evry miniute or evry our,and this brings some bad effect on the earth,devastating the ecosystem, as a result the people's health suffer from some diseases. So we should give a silence to the earth and use the natural resources to some extend for our generations. Thanks for sharing us.
Dear China Travel... Thanks for sharing your thoughts ... i Do feel the same..
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