Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Budget Airline "Recession"

i just read from .... Pricing for future budget will also depend on the traveller's weight... If they are over certain weight, budget airline will charge them upon check-in.. So imagine passengers who fly budget airline, not only queue to weight and check-in their luggage, but they also queue to weight thenself.. Haha.. In future those who are over weight and obese.. you may not want to consider flying with budget airlines... Those who are slightly over weight (like me), have to go on diet and cut down weight 1 month before your flight... Then during the trip you also must not indulge on food too much because it will still affect your weight for your flight home... Good luck for Moses Lim (food critic)...

Budget Airline are taking all measure to survive the soaring fuel price... Analysts said fuel being the main cost of budget airline will be hit the hardest, if it keep on increasing... This is likely to start a budget travel 'recession'.

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